Annual Pencil Classic Golf Tournament

Hole Sponsor

Please fill out the form as thoroughly as possible, typing the dollar amount in the box below the level of Sponsorship.  Payment will be accepted via PayPal.
TOURNAMENT TITLE SPONSOR - $10,000 Donation Includes Diamond Benefits + Tournament Title
DIAMOND SPONSOR - $5,000  Donation Includes Ruby Benefits + Special Recognition in Local Newspaper + Concierge Service.
RUBY SPONSOR - $2,500 Donation Includes Platinum Benefits + Two Team Entries + Hole Display Sign.
PLATINUM SPONSOR - $1,500 Donation includes Gold Benefits  + company logo and website link on CDC web page.

GOLD SPONSOR - $1,000 Donation Includes Silver Benefits + One Team Entry + Name on Banner Displayed at Club + Name on Printed Materials, Special Recognition Day of Tournament.

SILVER SPONSOR - $500 Donation Includes Name on Program and Entry Form, Distribution of Logo Items, Lunch and Reception Day of Tournament.

HOLE SPONSOR - $350 Donation Includes Hole Sign at Sponsored Hole, Name in Program, + Lunch Day of Tournament.
SCOREBOARD - $200 Donation Includes Name of Company Displayed on Scoreboard.


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