
CCA offers a wide variety of services based on each child's age and level of need.  Each of our services are listed below. CCA works with each family for specific service placement, fee schedule, and recommended intensity of therapy.

Assessments & Diagnostics

The Children’s Center for Autism has the resources to provide supporting assessments for medical or psychological diagnostic services. For admission, we require copies of reports of any previous testing or evaluations.  Before developing a plan for your child, we will complete a behavioral assessment. If your child is on a waiting list for diagnosis and you are interested in beginning intervention prior to diagnosis–routine behavioral, communication, and skills assessment will be conducted for the purpose of designing treatment based upon your child’s unique strengths and needs. Should you desire to access our Assessment services, please contact us at (931)-684-2293 to learn more and to schedule an initial meeting. Depending upon your child’s needs, any combination of the following assessments may include, but are not limited to:

Applied Behavior Analysis

ABA approaches to treatment are individualized based upon the needs of your child, and include Discrete Trial Training, Verbal Behavior, and Incidental Teaching. A Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) will design and monitor behavioral programming for your child and create appropriate programs to assist while at home, as well as in the community. The BCBA will also coordinate care with any outside professionals, including teachers, doctors, and speech/occupational therapists.
ABA has a great focus on reinforcing (rewarding) positive behaviors while decreasing problematic behaviors using specific principles that are empirically supported by the American Medical Association (ABAI, 2014).  As good practice, CCA incorporates home goals to ensure that each child is reaching their full potential in all environmental settings.

  1. Kristine Jolivette , Peggy A. Gallagher , Michael J. Morrier & Richard Lambert (2008): Preventing Problem Behaviors in Young Children with Disabilities, Exceptionality: A Special Education Journal, 16:2, 78-92
  2. ABAI. (2014). Association for Behavior Analysis International. Retrieved May 19, 2016,from

Family Education & Participation Program

CCA recognizes that working with just the child on specific goals is not enough to help that child reach their full potential. We strive to include the entire family by providing necessary tools to achieve greatness.
Each family agrees to meet 4 “credit” hours per month as a part of the CCA agreement. This ensures that the whole family is working towards a common goal. These credits are earned by (but not limited to) completing home goals, attending family support group meetings, participating in a field trip, participating in parent training, reading a relevant suggested article, and attending family sessions to review their child’s progress.
The families can also take advantage of supplies, and materials that CCA has to increase contiguity while at home.

​Check out our Resource page for more training materials!

Behavior Consultation Services

Who: Children Ages 5-12 with behavioral or communication concerns

With Whom: The Board Certified Behavior Analyst and/or a Registered Behavior Technician


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